Here's that creepy sumbitch in all his Christmas splendour. I might sound like a Scrooge here, which couldn't be further from the truth, but this "thing" was a little disturbing. Like when you stare at strange patterns in the concrete and they begin to take shapes like minotaurs and clowns.
Ho Ho Part 2
Ho Ho Ho...
Yeah, I know what you're thinking. "Look! It's Santa!", but let me tell you that this "Santa" stood over 4 feet tall and wiggled to Christmas carols at my parents' house - and it was friggin' creepy. Luckily, we were kind enough to give Santa his own private Christmas gift... hohoho, if you know what I mean!
Happy HoHo
Merry Christmas Gents...
All the best from London.
Warren - Gonna check out "Its All Gone Pete Tong."
Talk soon.
Super Hero 01
Just in time for a non-judgemental holiday moment.
The Original (in B&W)
From November...
Pod Collective
Have you guys seen this before? What a sensory masterpiece. Check out the work of Phong in particular...
Jack Johnson and Friends Live DVD...
If it is not on your Christmas List...put it on there ! Outstanding 2-disc DVD. Basically two concerts shot with some amazing in between song footage.
Check it out and enjoy.
Mele Kalikimaka.
Edit - FYI - Jack is nominated for 2 Grammys. Up against some stiff competition though, including Paul McCartney and Stevie Wonder...
Gold Digger...
The second best song on the album is "Gone".
Check it out, its good.
Listening to a little Kanye...and a little Common.
Logo Request
I was wondering if you could do me a favour and do up a quick logo. I understand you are busy and there is no rush on this. In fact, if you want to tell me to "sod off", that would be cool, too. However, if you do find a few minutes, I don't think this will take you long. I am putting together some business ideas, and one of them is "Moontower Consulting". Go figure - I never said I was all that creative. Anyways, my idea is loosely captured in the picture here, but I figured you could make it look much better, or at least that it wasn't done by 4 year-old in crayon. Lemme know what you think.
Christmas Lights on Crack
Youze guyz gotta check out this here little video I found on the internets.
All I gotta say to this guy who obviously has a tonne of free time on his hands is:
Bravo. Brav - frickin' - o.
The Lunatics at the Emmersive Gallery
The Lunatics are getting a little attention around the world wide interweb. We were featured on a technology + art blog called We Make Money Not Art. And some tech news program called MoBuzzTV featured us in a news segment. We have had 1700 hits on our website since last weekend.
The Lunatics
The Lunatics on WMMNA
At the Leaf Game
Hey Beeaches!
My Tree
Animal Liberation Orchestra
Hey fellas,
Monumental effort this weekend. It was good to see you!
I am going to call it! I think this band might be right down our alley. I have only heard one song and I caught it listening to KCRW radio this morning. Then I checked out their website and saw that they are signed to Brushfire Records and Jack is lending a hand on their next album. They are also opening for DMB on some crazy cruise concert. Here's the website:
Hey fellas,
Looking forward to the weekend. I figure we will probably end up staying in on Friday and getting up to no good, but if we wanted to venture out, my friends (who are part of the band, Off The International Radar) are playing. You can check out their sound here: OTIR
Slip, are you planning to stick around for breakfast or are you going to make the early morning escape?
Michael Franti
Last night was amazing! Sarah and I went to see Michael Franti perform at the Bloor Cinema. It was GA, and everyone grabbed seats and then we watched a film by Franti called "I Know I'm Not Alone". Last year, Michael Franti went to the middle east with some friends, a video camera and his guitar to find the humanity trapped behind the sanitized media potrayal of the war in Iraq and the occupation of Palestine. In a word, it was truthful.
He introduced the film and updated us about how his two man and van tour was going. He was so humble and barefoot! After the film he took questions from the audience about politics, humanity and music. The audience was a strange mix of hippies, social activists, elders and little children. Then Michael, strummed his acoustic guitar and sung whatever the audience requested! He brought out a bongo player from the band, The New Deal and let people come on stage from the crowd to sing and dance. During his last song he invited a guy from the crowd to play guitar with him and when they couldn't get the second guitar to plug into the sound system, Michael handed over HIS guitar and let this dude play out his last song. And this guy went crazy, wailing on the guitar at an astonishing high level of skill. It was magic.
At the end of the show, Franti spoke to the crowd about fighting the good fight and leading your life with positivity. Then he jumped into the crowd to chat and dance.
He truly is a music man.
Dubby - I think I've disappointed you
Lardy Jerry Lard-0 (#400)
Do you guys IM at all? I just signed up for an AOL IM account and have iChat up and running. The fact of the matter is that my online posse is pretty small and the IM chat is non-existent.
What's the word for the 19th?
Battlefront II
Its been AT LEAST a couple of months since I have been this excited about a video game - Star Wars - Battlefront II. Awesome. Think its a "buyer" for sure. Its like re-playing anyone of the key battles across the 6 StarWars movies. Very well done. Addictive as all shit too....
'May the Force be with you....
Battlefront II
Photoshop CS2
I've been working at Photoshop CS2, and I must say, I frickin' love it. I am trying to build some skillz in it, but I am absolutely amazed at some of the features, particularly the improved heal tool. I've been shooting in RAW format as well, and the flexibility with respect to post-production is, well, splendiferous. I thought I'd share.
By the way, I am looking good for the weekend of Nov. 19 - maybe not the whole weekend but at least a day and a night fo sho.
Ding Dong...
Gents - Whats the good word ? Just trying to map out my November...NOVEMBER is just around the corner ! Ethan is going to be 3 ! So much fun...Hot Wheels EVERYWHERE. Hockey coaching has just started again. About half the kids back from last year, and at this point in the season, they look very familiar to Porky's of last year.
Anyway, dont want to ramble cuz we're gonna get together SOON.
Movie Adaptations of Video Games
Well, I've heard that the "Doom" movie really blows. Ya think? Even casting "The Rock"??? Here's to hoping that "Halo" in 2007 by Peter Jackson will turn things around.
Found this interesting article that reviews the major vid game-to-hollywood movie transitions, all that go wrong.
Beck's Guero DVD
Just picked up Beck's "Guero" CD/DVD set. Very nice. Has the album in 5.1 and a video for every track. It also has a interactive visual mix for the album by a video artist, D-Fuse. I haven't had a chance to truly explore the DVD, but I am digging this album since I scored the MP3s a while back.
Caption Contest - Welcome Back Hockey !
Michael Franti
I don't know if I am dreaming, but I picked up tickets to see Michael Franti perform an acoustic set at the Bloor Cinema! I saw a tiny ad in NOW Magazine and ordered the tix through TicketMaster. Needless to say, I am very excited. If you haven't heard his album, "Songs From the Front Porch" you is missing out, bro!
Michael Franti & Spearhead
Armed Attack Dolphins Freed by Hurricane Katrina
This is a bizarre twist. Apparently, dolphins trained by the US Navy to attack underwater terrorists were inadvertently freed by Hurricane Katrina. Time to put your chainmail wetsuits on before swimming again.
Armed and Dangerous
Don't call me on Thursdays!
Survivor is back. I am jonesing for this new season. There isn't gonna be just one twist! There's gonna be two! Whoa!
Commenting Systems
Alright, gents. I have thrown up a few different options for commenting. The one on the left is new, the middle is the old, and the right is the blogger interface that Dubby hates.
Lemme know your preference, or if you are going to make me find something else. Maybe something that automatically matches your eye colour?
Kirsten thinks we are all geeks - like we didn't already know this!
iPod Nano!
Holy crap! Check out the latest technology porn from Apple.
Get out yer kleenex!
Moon Tower is 2 years old!!!
Holy crap. Can you believe that we've been averaging at least a post a week each for the past 2 years? We're a developing part of Internet history, even if only the 3 of us actually read this stuff!
To commemorate this wonderous event, here are the first posts from each of us:
Tuesday, September 2, 2003, 10:46am, posted by Slippy:
Welcome to the Moon Tower! Well, all I'm saying is that I want to look back and say that I did it the best I could while I was stuck in this place. Had as much fun as I could while I was stuck in this place. Played as hard as I could while I was stuck in this place. Dogged as many girls as I could while I was stuck in this place...
Tuesday, September 2, 2003, 11:50am, posted by Wooderson:
Glad to be here...The older you get the more rules they are going to try and get you to follow. You just gotta keep on livin man! L-I-V-I-N!
Thursday, September 4, 2003, 3:27pm, posted by Dubby:
The Moon Tower...
This place used to be off limits man 'cause some drunk freshman fell right down the middle smacking his head on every beam man. Autopsy said he only had one many did you have?
You're dead man. You're so dead.
B, glad you started this blog thing. It could be really cool. Just got in from Amsterdam. I have loads of stories to tell. And websites to share, but I have to ask the blog master how much I can sweare when I type.
Check you later! Check you later!
Firefighter in the Family
Just thought Id pass along a couple of pieces of big news from London-town.
1) Jason got hired yesterday by the Mississauga Fire Department. He starts mid-September. Needless to say he and Sue are beside themselves with excitement ! Mississauga is currently revewing whether or not they will go to a 7-day 24Hour work period, which would mean Jason would only have to work 7 days of the month, and they would not necessarily have to move.
2) (and not ranked in any terms of importance re item # 1 above) Ethan has a new cousin! Baby Brooklyn was born August 18th at 8 pounds 6oz. All is good with mom and baby. Everyones very excited with new the new addition, although Ethan gets pretty jealous when Pam's around Brooklyn. Its funny. And yes...this has started us thinking about the possibility of # 2 ourselves.
3) I have decided to stay at Protek. Renogiated by contract for the better, and am very happy with my decision. I really like what I do here, and the company has show a good interest in me and the value I bring. All good.
NHL 06 vs NHL 2K6
Time for the annual debate Brett. You put me on to the 2K Series a couple of years ago, and I have bought it every year since. Im prepped to buy it again this year, although EA has made some pretty good strides this year too. Think Ill probably buy 2K6 right away (Sept 6th) and try and hold out for Christmas in hopes of NHL06.
(PS - 2K6 has Bob Cole and Harry Neale doing commentary...) ?
I know I have touched on this subject before, but I am considering building a website. I kinda fell in love with the name "Self Titled" as a monicker for my personal work. The domain name is one of those search engine/web topic pages. Can you buy these domains or has some company bought it and is just sitting on it?
Bedouin Soundclash
Another music sighting. I might be a little behind the times, but have you heard of a band called Bedouin Soundclash. They are from Kingston, Ontario and are getting a lot of radio play with their single, "When the Night Feels My Song". When I sampled some of their other tunes, I got deja vu of One's "Smoking the Goats" album. If you read their bio, you will see they have some street cred when it comes to reggae collaborators.
I am thinking of downloading their MP3's from the iTunes Music Store as an inital purchase using that service. Have either of you used the Music Store in iTunes?
Bedouin Soundclash Homepage
Possible Guys Weekends!
Sarah is off on a WWF cruise from Sept 17-25. I was wondering if either of these weekends might work for a possible guys weekend. We could even go as far as checking with Falsetto to see if he would make the trip to T.O. I would guess that Anthony would be out since he now has little Grace, but it might be worth an email.
Belated Happy B-Day B ! (and other random thoughts)
B-Happy Belated Birthday !!!!! Had every intnetion of calling you on Sunday night, but fell asleep ! Hope you had good one !
How are things with everyone? Dub, I expect yer back from your travels to the Great White North ?
Im going through some pretty good drama at work these days. Fun Fun Fun. Its actually resulted in me going on a couple of interviews (both which went swimmingly might I add). Winds of change could be blowing. Acting like a bit of a free agent, if Protek steps up to the plate, things could stay OK here.
Im a whole new man now that I know a hockey season is coming in October...a HUGE void will be filled in my life. I know...Im a geek.
Checkin In.
Greetings from Iqaluit!
Bob and Doug MacKenzie would be proud. I am truly in the Great White North (although not so white this time of year). Iqaluit is a little place with a population of 6,000 (mostly native Inuit). We have spent a lot of our time wandering about both through the town and over the tundra. We are north of 60 and above the tree line so there is little more than lichen, small flowers and heather growing on the land. We made it out far enough to come across a human sized Inukshuk. We are here for a couple of more days, then back to the 'south'.
Talk to you soon.
New Bloodhound Gang Song
Have you guys heard the new Bloodhound Gang song, "Foxtrot Uniform Charlie Kilo"? I nearly peed myself listening to it on the way into work today...
Heading to Iqaluit
Hey, just a quick post to say that I am off to Iqaluit this Sunday for a week. I have no idea what to expect once we arrive. I am sure Jeff and Parisa will show us around. We were told to bring our toques! Might me a little chilly compared to the temperatures around here right now.
Check ya later.
Colin - Just checkin in...
So its Monday night around 10pm, and I'm just starting to fully appreciate Saturdays concert. Woah. I know I posted it on the web, but Im gonna say it again. Everytime you think Ben cannot possibly out-do his previous performance....hes does. And the margin with which he out-does himself is never small. Ridiculous really..
set [1]:
• Glory & Consequence (C'mon is their a better opener...ever) (I called it.)
• How Many Miles Must We March? (Unheard of. And a wicked version at that.)
• Brown Eyed Blues
• Everything
• Homeless Child (Very rare. Nice and poppy.)
• Gather Round The Stone (New song. Very nice.)
• Please Me Like You Want To
• Gold To Me (A classic. A special song for Dubby. Ridiculous gold and red lights.)
• Diamonds On The Inside (Crowd goes lights.)
• Steal My Kisses/Pressure Drop (Crowd goes nuts....a rainbow of lights. Ben covering Toots. What a song )
• Jah Work (Crowd goes nuts....lots of green green lights - the whole song. Deep green lights.)
• Forgiven (Crowd goes nuts...Crazy version. Ben goes off here.)
• Please Bleed (Crowed goes nuts...Some of the best concert performance I have ever seen. Red red lights. Deep. Like the green in Jah work...but red.)
• Burn One Down (Crowd goes nuts, and 2200 people are totally and absolutely immersed in music. I litterally dont think I took a breath between Gold to Me and Burn One Down ? Felt soooo good. Hot and sweaty, but who cared. Spent.)
I think at this point, I knew a good acoustic set was coming, but never could have expected the 10...10 song acoustic set. What a treat.
enc [1]:
• Another Lonely Day
• Number Three
• Roses From My Friends (A personal fave. I've heard it electric, but never acoustic)
• Waiting On An Angel
• I Shall Not Walk Alone (Brett's song.)
• Walk Away (A must-hear during a Ben concert.)
• There Will Be A Light
• 11 Commandment >
• Well Well Well
• Pleasure And Pain
enc [2]:
• Get It Like You Like It (Wicked new song. Crowd starts to get into it.)
• Dressed In Black (Crowd continues to get into it. Huge. What a song. No need for a lead guitarist. Some of the best guitar I've ever seen or heard!)
• Forever (OMG. Never plays it. Purple lights.)
• Suzie Blue (Never plays it. No guitar for Ben, just standing singing.)
• Ain't Too Proud To Beg (What a cover.)
• With My Own Two Hands/War (What a closer. Ben Harper. Bob Marley. Dancing. Use your own two hands. 2200 people now dancing. Crowd now a part of the performance. I BELIEVE IN A BETTER WAY. I BELIEVE IN A BETTER WAY. I BELEIVE IN A BETTER WAY....
Thank you. Thank you Ben and to anyone who reads this post and can understand what Im trying to get across ?
Burn One Down
What can I say? What a night! Just wanted to thank you for coming to see my show. Then to hook up and go to see 3 hours of musical performace bliss which is almost impossible to describe was utterly outstanding. Thanks for being part of such a wonderful memory.
Willie Nelson Reggae Album...
Came across this link.....Intriguing...
Peace Out.
Had to POST !!!!
So next Thursday night...July 14th, I'm driving with a couple of friends from London (Shannon and Karri) to go see Matthew Good Band in St. Catherines. They are MGB aficionados and claim he's awesome live, so I'm going to check it out.
Counting the days til Ben ! The crew from London is planning on hitting Toronto around 3pm that Saturday, to settle at the Browns, before going down to see Warrens unveiling. We should make some plans.
Lets talk soon.
Very Happy to Announce...
So I'm very happy to announce that after much confusion and struggle, I HAVE secured 6 tickets to Ben Harper. This means that EVERYONE gets to go (Colin, Brett, Warren, Sarah, Christa and Aaron). I'm of course thrilled that all my bestest friends will be in attendance to see the greatest live performer of ALL TIME !
Colin Harper.
He's Back...
Ben Harper IS coming to Toronto. Saturday July 23rd at Kool-Haus (The Guvernment). Tix are $41.25 and go one sale Wednesday, June 8th at 10am. Its GA again, but the venue only holds 2200 people.
Let me know if yer in...
In response to the Zooma Tour cancellation, Ben Harper has decided to do a special tour of very small venues around the US and Canada to say thanks to his fans before he heads into the studio to work on his next album. The dates will commence in Vancouver, BC on July 12th and end at the Tabernacle in Atlanta, GA on August 1st, hitting 16 markets along the way.
Ben has not toured the US since his summer 2003 dates in support of his 6th studio album, "Diamonds on the Inside" and these will be his last proper shows until after the new record release.
This month-long tour will give fans the opportunity to see Ben Harper performing old faves as well as brand new material in some of the country's most intimate and historic venues. Tour stops include: The Moore Theater in Seattle, San Francisco's Warfield, Chicago's Vic Theater, The Henry Fonda Theater in Los Angeles, 9:30 Club in DC and Irving Plaza in New York...
Don't Believe The Truth
New Oasis album. It rocks. It really does rock, quite hard in fact. Grabbed a copy yesterday and I like it ! Heavier than any past albums thats for sure, but should be a good summer album that will have some lasting power.
Check it out.
From :
Sent : May 27, 2005 3:37:57 AM
To :
The producers of the ZOOMA Tour regret to announce that this summer's Tour has
been canceled. Ticket refunds for all dates will be given through the outlets
where the tickets were purchased.
The Zooma Tour was conceived to provide fans with an exceptional musical and
entertainment experience. Due to unforeseen circumstances, it has become clear
that it would not be possible to provide that experience at the level initially
envisioned. Rather than go forward with a tour that falls short of what was
conceived, everyone involved has mutually agreed that it is best to cancel the
tour altogether.
We want to thank all of the fans for their support and the tour's staff for
their dedication and hard work on this project. We look forward to exploring
new and exciting opportunities in the future.
If you purchased your tickets through Trey Anastasio or Ben Harper ticketing
pre-sales, the card you placed your order with will automatically be refunded
for ticket face value plus all other service and shipping charges. Refunds will
begin Friday May 27 and continue until June 2nd. Once the refund is processed
you will automatically receive and email confirmation. Please note: it can take
up to 2 business days for the refund to show up on your account. If you have
any questions, please e-mail
If you purchased your ticket(s) through TicketMaster via phone or internet the
credit card you used will be automatically refunded. If you purchased from the
venue box office or a TicketMaster outlet you must return the ticket to the
point of purchase for a refund. Face value plus service charges will be
refunded (handling and delivery charges will not be refunded).
The Crosby Show.....
Off to see a Memorial Cup game tonight with Roly. Rimouski (featuring the "Next One" Sidney Crosby) taking on Kelowna. Should be a good game. Tune into Sportsnet at 7 to watch !
Loving my Superstar II's
After years of deliberation and a sweet deal, I finally picked up some "all day i dream about sex" shoes!
Check it!
Caption Contest #3!
"STORMTROOPER: How much wood can this plastic suit hold?"
"Empire employs rigorous testing on its new stormtrooper codpiece"
"NEWSFLASH: Chicks dig Star Wars geeks; Trekkies plan protest"
Katamari Damacy
Dubby - I think you mentioned this game to me ? Rented it last night. Its wild. Quite addictive too. If I can find it used, Ill probably buy it. Apparently a new one is in the works too...
Check it out...
GameSpot Review
Vote for Pedro 2
UPDATE!!! Just was checkin' out G. Love's video, "Booty Call", and guess who stars in it? PEDRO! Check it out: Booty Call (Windows Media)
Beck - Guero
Check it out.
Vote for Pedro
Veal Tender Part 3
Mr. Brenson’s office is a modest space, with a desk and credenza, and a high-back leather tufted chair for Mr. Brenson. The guest chairs are mismatched. Camera is inside office as the two men enter and sit down.
Mr. Brenson: So I understand you are here for the job of office manager. Tell me a little about yourself. How’d you get the name, Kiram?
Kiram: Well, my parents were fond of greek mythology and …
Overdub of narrator kicks in (Kiram continues to talk in background: That’s a complete lie. Mom was a little too much of a fan of the Blue Lagoon drink, and wanted to call me Hiram, as in “Hiram Walker”, but dad wanted to call me “Kool” with a “k”, so they compromised.
Mr. Brenson: Interesting. Why don’t you walk me through your experiences…
The two continue to talk, fade out and back in to end of interview.
Mr. Brenson: Well, all that’s left is your swim test! Let’s get you into a suit.
He opens up a cupboard behind him to reveal a line of speedos hanging up in order. He searches the collection, then grabs a silver metallic speedo. Kiram is obviously distressed, clearly not expecting this to be part of a job interview.
Mr. Brenson: This should work! Let’s get out there and see what you can do.
Kiram reluctantly accepts the suit and proceeds down the hall to the changing rooms.
To be continued.
Weekend De-brief
Hey hey,
Good times this weekend. How do we get hold of the pictures from Saturday evening? That dude took quite a few keepers of Freddy Mercury... er... Giovanni.
I don't think I've ever seen Dubby cut a rug like that before! Couple o' drinks and he is Freddy Frickin' Astaire, with Woods as Ginger Rogers!
Ben Harper Coming to An Amphitheatre Near You !!!
Ben....headliner for the Zooma Tour which hits the Molson Amphitheatre Tuesday July 19th.
Zooma Tour
Tue. July 19, 2005
Molson Amphitheatre
Toronto, ONT
w/ Jurassic 5, G. Love & Special Sauce, More Artists to be Announced!
Ticket Price: $32.50 lawn / $47.50 reserved
Doors at 3:00PM
Tickets go on sale Friday, May 13 @ 2:00 PM
This is an all ages show. Tickets will be available at the Molson Amphitheatre box office, Ticketmaster charge by phone 416.870.8000, online at and, and all Ticketmaster outlets.
Veal Tender Part 2
Fade to black. Bold white font: “ONE WEEK AGO” Fade up to wide shot of main character (Kiram Berman) walking up to strip mall. Store front is an Aquatic Centre, called, “Ricard Brenson Swimming”.
Shot transition to inside reception area for swim club. Walls are lined with dark-coloured wood paneling – the plastic kind. A woman sits behind the reception desk, made of the same coloured veneer as the walls. Background musak plays quietly.
Receptionist: May I help you?
Kiram: My name is Kiram Berman. I’m here for my interview with Mr. Brenson.
Receptionist: I’ll let him know you are here. (picks up microphone, slight feedback over PA system) Mr. Brenson to the office, please, Mr. Brenson to the office, please. To Kiram: Have a seat, sir.
Kiram takes seat and peers through glass door behind reception into pool area. Appears to be a seniors “aqua-fit” course in progress. A man in a burgundy speedo approaches door, opens it, and moves towards Kiram.
Mr. Brenson: Mr. Berman, I presume? (extends hand) Come on in to my office.
Ricard Brenson is a robust man, late 40s, wearing a speedo one size too small. He is also sporting white athletic socks shoved into adidas shower sandals, and an oversize sport watch. His hair is shaggy, dyed a strawberry blonde, matching a full (yet trim) beard. It is clear that he is trying to look like Richard Branson, but not quite pulling it off. Camera follows Mr. Brenson showing Kiram into his office. The walls are lined with photos of Mr. Brenson with various people, none of which look famous.
To be continued...
PSP - Revolutionary !
OK I neeeeeed one of these. Ridiculous, played around with one yesterday. Too cool. Everyone is going to have one of these....
If two people have them in the same room and only one person owns the game, you can still both play !
Falsetto StaG?
What news? Is this thing happening on Saturday? Is there a plan, or are we flying off the cuff on this bad boy?
Darth Vader's blog
My friend MFDH has started a blog that is Vader's online diary...
The Darth Side
Veal Tender
Fade up to wide shot of couple walking out of restaurant, happily chatting
Narrator: I don’t know why I had to answer that customer comment card so honestly,
Fast choppy time rewind to zoom in on mouth chewing tough meat
Narrator: But hey,
Fast choppy forward to zoom on pen writing on customer comment comment card “veal could have been more tender”
Narrator: the veal could have been more tender.
Fast forward to couple walking out of restaurant, with cook in apron and hat walking out of restaurant carrying a cleaver.
Cook: (Bristol accent) The veal could have been more tender, eh?
Cook raises cleaver and charges. Shot pauses on cook.
Narrator: Why does shit like this always happen to me?
To be continued…
Caption Contest #2!
Now this is business casual.
Hasselhoff, you handsome bastard.
Check out the 50 ways to get fired from
New London Drive-thru
Heard on the radio this morning that London is about to get a Beer Store drive-thru. Just in time for the May 24 weekend.
In other news, I've been having a weird issue with my iPod. Whenever I start a playlist (or even just select an artist or genre, etc.) it seems to skip the first few songs. In fact, a few times I have hit play, and it just looks like it skips through the entire playlist. Strange, no?
This is GOOD SHIT !
Have a read of this - and make sure to read the feedback and comments at the bottom.
Srtiped Shirt
(I cant take credit for this....courtesy of Ms. Christa Perritt)
Have a killer weekend biyatches !
There Will Be A Light - Live at the Apollo DVD
Not that I had to overcome a whole lot of hesitation or anything, but unlike anything else Ben has released, I DID NOT purchase this the first day it was available....I waited until the second day.
And I am NOT dissapointed by the purchase at all !
I think we all probably share the same kind of skepticism or trepidation of Bens lastest release of There Will Be a Light. Its good, but its not the Ben we know and love ? Im assuming you have both listened to the cd, if you dont already own it ? Its good, but I dont love it like a Fight For Your Mind or Will to Live ?
So I bought the DVD concert performance of Ben and the Blind Boys....with some hesitation. TRUST ME....dont hesitate ! This is LIVE BEN HARPER AND HE DOES NOT DISSAPOINT. Outstanding concert performance of There Will Be A Light. Ben oozes more SOUL than I have ever seen !
Dubby - I'm sure we'll catch at least a few songs this weekend....
Falsetto's Stag
Dudes - Gotta start the ball rolling on this ! Potentially looking at the weekend of April 30th ! John and Andrea are in Toronto that weekend so John wants me to target that weekend as a possibility ? Yes....this event is going to be in Toronto. I am going to endeavour to talk to Anthony and Chris (Nihmey) this week about it and see if they can wrangle up the Ottawa boys, and what kind of numbers we might be looking at...
Couch Request
May I crash on yer living room couch at Casa Dubby tomorrow (Tuesday) night? I am going to a celebration down at the Academy of Spherical Arts and will probably be in late-ish, say 1am? I would only require a (semi-)soft surface and perhaps shower facilities for the morning.
Let me know if this is a possibility. I can probably pay in chocolate.
Woop Woop....Talk to Me....
Whats the word Gents ? Lets get the chit chat goin as our April weekend approaches ! I don't think we've ever had an "April" weekend before? Reason in itself to celebrate? You guys should try to come Friday night ?!? Make it a 2-Nighter. Can we do it ?
What do you want to do ? I have some ideas ?
Lots of Questions to be answered.
Lemme know. Hope you had a Good Easter.
Death from Above 1979
Any of you 'bangers out there trip over a band called, Death from Above 1979? Toronto band that played Conan O'Brien a few weeks ago...
Wondered if anybody had heard their licks.
Death from Above 1979
Birthday boyz...
P.S. This pic was taken over 10 years ago!!!
Another Year Older II
Ill try and give ya a dingle tonight ?
(BTW Porkys plays in Burlington - Appelby Arena tomorrow at 6PM)
Another year older!
Hey Chalmers, just wanted to wish you a Ding Dong Rama Tron Rocking Birthday! May the JD and Jagr flow through your veins like it did on Saturday night!
Pics from India
I have finally posted a few digital photos I shot in Amsterdam and India! Take a look.
Click here to view some pics!
Trippy Grover
Can't find the original link from the Modest Mouse website, but I found this on the Ghost of a Flea blog.
Click here to trip out
Moontower 1st ever caption contest!!!
Best caption wins some chocolate. Throw up yer best caption in the comments section!
Possible Blasphemy?
Only 2 days now since I found out when Jack is comin' to town (Sept. 17), and I am considering something that may shock you. I am thinking it ain't worth it.
Yes that's right, and here's my logic. Seats ARE general admission again, and $40 to boot (not to mention some absurd service charge from TicketBastard). The last part? U2 is coming to the ACC the week before. Specifically, the 12th and 14th. I have been wanting to see these dudes for a while now, and Kirsten and I have agreed to shell out some hard-earned dollars for good seats (assuming we can get some, and I doubt they will be cheap).
So while I am a big fan of Jack's, my relationship with him might just have to remain in my car.
In like a lion!!
March is already here! Any thoughts on a weekend to get together? Does Mar 26-27 work?
Let's get the chatter flowing!
In Between Dreams
Something that is sure to help...Jack's new album comes out Tuesday. Done some preliminary listening, and it sounds awesome. Definitely gonna be the album of the summer of 2005.
India - Final Words
Here is the final installment of my Indian advnetures...
Since we hired a car in India, our trip became quite a bit easier in terms of getting around. We drove through the landscapes like a couple of little kids in the back seat (although near head on collisions became so common that we didn't even flinch after a while). From Pushkar we drove to the blue city of Jodhpur where all the buildings are painted blue by the upper caste Brahmins. That night we noticed that the circus was in town! We saw regurgitating ladies, prancing hippos, flying acrobats, jumping motorcycles, expert top spinners and praying elephants. It was all familiar, but a bit weird.
Eventually we made it to the romantic city of Udaipur (which appears in the film Octopussy, which consequently is shown at every guest house in the city at 7pm). Although the main lake in the city is completely dried up due to drought, this place still holds a certain magic. By this time, our departure from India was looming. We drove back to Jaipur where we caught a Bollywood film (totally in Hindi) and the next day drove to Delhi where we caught our flight to Amsterdam.
With one more day to spend in Amsterdam we finally had a really hot shower, took an indulgent breakfast at Barney's coffeeshop and wandered the canals.
Now I am back in Toronto trying to figure out what time zone we are in and adjusting back to reality. And I am looking forward to a late March get-together! We'll talk to soon and work out the details.
That's all from India...Namaste.
This guy is travellin' India?
Tonight I have dressed up in my Sunday best and will be lookin' for some deals on parakeets. I have learned to tell fortunes by reading the patterns of their feathers. I have found that while I may not be all that accurate, people will pay for this service, and the birds are kinda tasty when served with tandoori and mango lassi.
Will on Xbox
Hard to believe how quickly yon time be a' flyin'. Will is already laying the smackdown on his daddy, xbox style. Just a little reflection on the mac-daddiness of life and polkertudinousness.
B...We are Coming After Burlington Next!!!...
Oakridge Porky's Atom White House League 2004-5
Yes. The coaches' hair is blue. We bet the kids if they won 5 in a row...we would do it. They have now gone undefeated in 9 games, and the picture is just after we won the 2nd Annual Oakridge Hockey Classic in a dominating 4-0 Shutout over a division rival.
Playoffs start this week and run through March, and then we have a season ending tourney in Burlington March 17-20.
Seen 9 and 10 year old kids do some pretty neat things. Lots of fun.
Im thining you guys should come...maybe join me at the hotel(bar) one night for some drinks, and maybe catch a game ?!?
Talk soon.
As you wish!
I am writing to you from a little town called Pushkar. While we were in Varanasi we had booked a flight from Delhi to Udaipur. All we had to do was take an over night train to Delhi, but our simple 8 hours sleeper train turned into an epic 17 hour ride! We completely missed our plane and upon arrival in Delhi we were swarmed by taxi drivers at the train station. A somewhat honest tout quickly whisked us to a tourist office which helped us out. As not to waste time, we hired a car and driver and got on the road to Rajasthan. In the meantime our 'government' travel officer was going to try and get us a refund from the airline. Fingers crossed, but not holding our breath!
We drove that night to Agra, the home of the Taj Mahal. The next day we explored the city and sat in wonder of the Taj. Since then, we have made our way though the forts and palaces of Jaipur and now, we are in Pushkar, a holy city in the middle of the desert surrounding and oasis lake. This morning, I was blessed by a Brahmin priest with the sacred water of the lake and given a red smudge on the forehead. Sometmes you never know what is going to happen after breakfast!
We are heading to Jodphur tomorrow and then finally to our original destination, Udaipur!
Any word on the March "get-to-gether"?
Greetings from India! This place is upsidedown and backwards. What a crazy ride so far and we have been going at it for just over a week. We spent the first bit down south on the beaches on Goa, then we headed inland to see the ruins and Martian-like landscape of Hampi and after thousands of kilometres of travel by plane, train, car, bus, rickshaw, bicycle, boat and foot, we have found ourselves in Varanasi.
Varanasi is the oldest living city on earth. It is the holiest of places for the Hindus and sits on the banks of the Ganges River. It is a wild, bizarre and wonderful city. I can't even begin to describe. Tomorrow we head to Delhi and then hopefully, we are heading to Rajasthan to see the cities of Udaipur and Jodphur. After that we are planning to find our way to Agra to see the Taj Mahal, then spend our last days in Delhi.
Our stop over in Amsterdam was pretty chill. We have a pretty good handle on that city now. One of the days, surprisingly, we spent more time in a Belgian ale house getting drunk with a local than in the coffeeshops. But don't worry Colin, we did you proud at the coffeeshops we did visit! I am looking forward to our one night stop over on the way a kid in a candy store!
Take care fellas. And I'll try to post again soon.
My Wednesday Night
Bout 830, meet
Mockingbird. Good 'Em Song.
What to watch. Not much I aint seen.
Where'd I put the bong ?
We gotta get together soon.
Talk about all these trips.
Maybe cook under the moon?
Eat Pizza, Chocolate and chips ?
Falsetto hops online.
Do I take the plunge? Do I chat?
Ya I do, Ill be fine!
Shit....Missed Him....Drat !
Need some reggae beats.
Cats are drivin me nuts.
...just ate 3 chocolate treats...
Dont think that was good for my guts.
B..........We should try and chat.
We'll shoot the breeze.
Wonder of where the Brownz are at?
Memories of Eggs and Cheeze.
Travellin' Bloggers
Just as soon as one comes back, the other leaves. Wanted to give a shout out to the Dubster and wish him and the lovely Dubette a great trip in India. Scoop some daal mahkni for me, and I will look forward to posts from abroad.
I will continue to blog from the safety of the Greater Toronto Area (relative safety).
On my way...
I officially announced my departure from Cuppa Coffee. It has been bitter sweet and full of mixed emotions, but I am very excited to begin my program at the Film Centre.
Given that, Sarah and I have decided to do some travelling before I begin. We have booked a trip to India via Amsterdam. We leave on Jan 30, spend two night in the 'dam, then we fly to Delhi. Our travel plans in India aren't quite arranged as of yet, but we are hoping to visit Delhi, Varanasi, Goa and Jaipur. On Feb 22 we fly back to Amsterdam for one last night, then back to Toronto on Feb 24. My program begins on Feb 28.
I'll talk to you both soon.
More Reasons to go MAC!
Check out the new products released by Apple at the MacWorld Expo this past Monday...
iPod Shuffle - tiny digital music play smaller than a pack of gum. largest capacity is 1 GB. has a scroll wheel, but no display.
iMac Mini - headless G4 iMac. just a tiny desktop box (no keyboard, no monitor, no mouse). only $500 US. perfect for those PC user with all the gear to dump there giant towers and plug in or for the Mac user who wants another computer!
check the out at the Apple site!
Good Morning, Gentlemen
Well, it looks like my poopy poem went over like a lead balloon. 4 days without a comment = really crappy post. My most sincerest of apologies.
I am currently on hold with the MTO parking authorities trying to pay my parking infraction from our most recent gathering. I still say it was worth it. I was also thinking we should try and plan ahead for some getaway in the summer. Thoughts?
Poopy Poem
Poopity poopity poopy poop,
My big belly is beginning to droop.
Slippity slappity slippy von trip,
Wooderson stop picking that gal’ darn lip.
Chimminy chongany shroomy toomy took,
This blog is about as good as any book.
Bubbly boobily dubbly donger retch,
I think its time Dubby added a sketch.
Have a great winter storm warning kinda day!