My Tree

. Tuesday, November 22, 2005

I luv my tree. It may be old, but it can still stand. When winter comes, my tree lends its leaves to me. In the spring, I try and put them back. I luv my tree.

Animal Liberation Orchestra

. Monday, November 21, 2005

Hey fellas,

Monumental effort this weekend. It was good to see you!

I am going to call it! I think this band might be right down our alley. I have only heard one song and I caught it listening to KCRW radio this morning. Then I checked out their website and saw that they are signed to Brushfire Records and Jack is lending a hand on their next album. They are also opening for DMB on some crazy cruise concert. Here's the website:


. Monday, November 14, 2005

Hey fellas,
Looking forward to the weekend. I figure we will probably end up staying in on Friday and getting up to no good, but if we wanted to venture out, my friends (who are part of the band, Off The International Radar) are playing. You can check out their sound here: OTIR

Slip, are you planning to stick around for breakfast or are you going to make the early morning escape?

Michael Franti

. Sunday, November 13, 2005

Last night was amazing! Sarah and I went to see Michael Franti perform at the Bloor Cinema. It was GA, and everyone grabbed seats and then we watched a film by Franti called "I Know I'm Not Alone". Last year, Michael Franti went to the middle east with some friends, a video camera and his guitar to find the humanity trapped behind the sanitized media potrayal of the war in Iraq and the occupation of Palestine. In a word, it was truthful.

He introduced the film and updated us about how his two man and van tour was going. He was so humble and barefoot! After the film he took questions from the audience about politics, humanity and music. The audience was a strange mix of hippies, social activists, elders and little children. Then Michael, strummed his acoustic guitar and sung whatever the audience requested! He brought out a bongo player from the band, The New Deal and let people come on stage from the crowd to sing and dance. During his last song he invited a guy from the crowd to play guitar with him and when they couldn't get the second guitar to plug into the sound system, Michael handed over HIS guitar and let this dude play out his last song. And this guy went crazy, wailing on the guitar at an astonishing high level of skill. It was magic.

At the end of the show, Franti spoke to the crowd about fighting the good fight and leading your life with positivity. Then he jumped into the crowd to chat and dance.

He truly is a music man.

Dubby - I think I've disappointed you

. Thursday, November 10, 2005

I know I said that my next 'pooter would be a Mac (actually a Mac Mini), but we ended up going with a Dell. I hope I can make it up to you. Say, Friday, November 19?

Lardy Jerry Lard-0 (#400)

. Tuesday, November 08, 2005

A guy on Boing Boing asked people to design characters for a list of 700 hobo names. Here is my contribution. The only glitch is that I don't have enough photos on Flickr to be included in public tagged galleries, so I am uploading some photos now to try and change that.



Do you guys IM at all? I just signed up for an AOL IM account and have iChat up and running. The fact of the matter is that my online posse is pretty small and the IM chat is non-existent.

What's the word for the 19th?

New Slippy Pics

. Monday, November 07, 2005


Here are some fairly recent pics of the Slippy Clan...


Battlefront II

. Thursday, November 03, 2005

Its been AT LEAST a couple of months since I have been this excited about a video game - Star Wars - Battlefront II. Awesome. Think its a "buyer" for sure. Its like re-playing anyone of the key battles across the 6 StarWars movies. Very well done. Addictive as all shit too....

'May the Force be with you....

Battlefront II

Photoshop CS2


I've been working at Photoshop CS2, and I must say, I frickin' love it. I am trying to build some skillz in it, but I am absolutely amazed at some of the features, particularly the improved heal tool. I've been shooting in RAW format as well, and the flexibility with respect to post-production is, well, splendiferous. I thought I'd share.

By the way, I am looking good for the weekend of Nov. 19 - maybe not the whole weekend but at least a day and a night fo sho.