Catchin' Up

. Saturday, November 08, 2008

Dudes. Glad to see the MoonTower taking a few hits again.

Life is good for the Slippy clan - and we just joined the WiiFit ranks since K got one for her birthday. I don't do a very good tree, and I think I hurt my neck in a half moon on the first day. But I did manage to rock my WiiFit age at 30, even though my BMI puts me in the "overweight" or "tubby" category. Do they really have to adjust your Mii to simulate your waist size?

Dubby, I was thinking about your career, and I found this excellent video, which made me think that maybe you should try directing music vids? Woods looks kinda like the guy on the motorcycle...

. Tuesday, November 04, 2008

Hey - thought I would throw up a frivolous post. See if we can get the Moontower pumping again.

This one is a movie review - Rocknrolla!

Guy Ritchie does it again. Not the amazing gun fight scenes of LSTSB, and nothing can really beat Brad Pitt in Snatch, but a great bit role for Jeremy Piven (have you been watching Entourage S05!!??) Worth checking out this film on the big screen!