
. Tuesday, June 27, 2006

Have you guys heard of this guy? I have been resitant to dabble in his music, but I watched this bit on him from YouTube:

Matisyahu Interview

Check out the video for his song, "King Without A Crown" here:

Matisyahu Website

I'm diggin' it.

MacBook Pro

. Monday, June 26, 2006

Holy crapatola. A guy working for me on this project has one of the big 17" sidescreen MacBook Pros, and this thing is frickin' bootiful. He is running "Parallels", which allows you to run Windows XP virtually, and the whole thing is blazingly fast. I think my next notebook might be the 15" version of that badboy. Either that, or one of the Alienware laptops... But those weigh in around 9lbs...

Walking on Stumps

. Tuesday, June 20, 2006

After sitting in a certain position for a long time (e.g. on the potty), do you ever get the numb legs sensation, and then when you walk it feels like you are walking on stumps? Then you get the pins and needles in your feet? Do you ever get that? Yeah? Me too.


. Tuesday, June 13, 2006

Hey Version 1.0 of my website is now live!

#622: Kid Silverhair, the Man of Indeterminate Age

. Thursday, June 08, 2006

Here's my latest offering to the 700 Hobos Project

An Inconvenient Truth

. Friday, June 02, 2006

I had the opportunity last night to go see Al Gore's film "An Inconvenient Truth" about climate change. This is a must see. It is no slapstick doc like "Fahrenheit 911" or "Supersize Me", rather it presented information about climate change in a clear way and explaned things that I had no idea were actually happening or could actually happen in the near future (like Greenland breaking up and melting in the next 50 years).

Here is my political rant for the day. It is such a tragedy that Al Gore lost the presidency the way he did to George Bush. Go see this film. Here's the link.

An Inconvenient Truth - Climate Crisis