My Slim Arrived Today

. Thursday, August 27, 2009

Yes, I caved and got a PS3 Slim for my birfday from the parentals. Wanted Blu-ray capability... Haven't even touched it yet, since I need to unbox other stuff in the house first, plus I have nothing to play on it.

I am finally starting to resurface after a tough few weeks of packing and moving, then a nasty stomach virus that took me out for nearly another week. But thankfully, getting to bed by 9:30pm for a few nights in a row is helping me to get some energy back.

Glad to hear everyone is doing otay. Am hoping to catch a matinee of D-9 tomorrow!

District 9 - thumbs up!

. Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Caught District 9 last week. It lived up to my hype here on the Moontower! Amazing effects, great story. And I smell a sequel or two based on the ending (at least that's what I hope)!

Coming to the light

. Thursday, August 20, 2009

Well, it was a tough couple o' days. Let's just say that I NEVER want to move again. But it's over and we're in.

Check you later!

Going Dark

. Monday, August 17, 2009

Well, the move is tomorrow, whether we're ready or not. No interwebs for a few days - however will I manage?

Underworld Live!

. Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Shook my ass off at the Kool Haus last night! Underworld rolled through town. Crazy energy, crazy lights, huge production, massive projections, giant balloons. Amazing.