My Xbox goes down!

. Wednesday, March 29, 2006

It's not quite known right now what the damage is, but apparently, a youngster living in my house (who will go unnamed until proven guilty), inserted a wary twist-tie into the Xbox this morning, rendering the disk device inoperable. I am anticipating some surgery this evening to attempt to resurrect said device, but my hopes aren't high. It does, however, still play the games on the hard drive.

This might be the push that sends me over to Xbox 360... The Xbox is dead! Long live the Xbox! Microsoft, why couldn't you make a gaming console that would withstand the curiosity of a 2-year old???

. Monday, March 27, 2006


Have you seen the website lately? I guarantee that you will get a few teehees and maybe even a giggle or two out of it. You'll know where to click!!! (Where it says, "click here")

Big Move & Happy Birthday! [UPDATED]

. Friday, March 17, 2006


First of all, Happy Birthday to the both of you. I spoke to the Wood on Wednesday, but here's my shout-out to Dubs for a happy b-day and a great St. Patty's Day.

Some other news: After much contemplation, I have decided to stop working for "the man" and start working for "the MAN"! I am tendering my resignation today, and starting up Toggle Consulting Inc. (pending a successful name search, although MoonTower Consulting is a back-up!!). Its something I have been wanting to do for a very long time, and the timing is now right. My first job is already lined up - I am about to become "chocolate guy" again. Obviously, this has benefits for all of us, except for my girlish figure.

So I am adding yet another business card to the pile. Hopefully this one will be the one that sticks! As always, check you later!!

UPDATE: Got the name, "Toggle Consulting Inc." instead...

Picture in a Frame...

. Tuesday, March 14, 2006

Did you guys get that download link to work...for Both Sides of the Gun ?
There are some GOOD TUNES on the new disk.

Picture in a Frame (the next Amen Omen ?) Serve Your Soul (Faded, Ground on Down, Oppression?)

Thats all I got figured out so far.
Its good.

Next Boys Weekend !

. Monday, March 06, 2006

When ARE we gonna get together ?