Looks like we have a plan!

. Wednesday, May 31, 2006


Just talked to Woods about this weekend. It looks like he has some appreciation soiree on Friday where he will be roasted and given a gold watch as part of his depature from his current employment, so he won't be coming over until Saturday. I am just going to be lounging on the deck all day, so come on over anytime on Saturday. Give me a call when you're getting close, so I can get out of my tanning Speedo and put on some real clothes.

See you Saturday. Slip, don't forget the meat!

Video Game Poll

. Monday, May 29, 2006

Seeing as how there has been a bunch of new info released on the 3 main video game consoles over the last month, I thought I would throw this poll out there. I added an option for a 360 and a Wii since you could probably get both for the price of the PS3. Whaddya think?

Funny Photoshopping



Thought this was reeeeeeally funny. Its a photoshop contest on how video games are perceived by grandmas. Check it out: Video Games According to Grandma.

On another note, I just wanted to point out that Wooderson's post below with the Mod Club video was #300 for the Moon Tower! W00T!

Mod Club Video

. Thursday, May 25, 2006

Near-DVD quality video of about half of the Mod Club Ben concert. Worth a watch...



(Dubby - I think you might need a PC to view ?)

WWF on The Apprentice

. Wednesday, May 24, 2006

If you watching and want to keep all aspects of the finale of The Apprentice a surprise, then stop reading, but if you want a little insider info on the show then here it is...

The finale involves the World Wildlife Fund and The Barenaked Ladies. The VP of Communications for WWF Canada, who will probably be on the show, works at the Toronto office.

And nothing close to Woods Ben Harper encounter, but I had the chance last week to attend a WWF organic food event where Steven Page was speaking on behalf of WWF. But in hind sight, my most memorable celebrity encounter will still always be filling up at a gas station along the 401 between Toronto and Kingston last Christmas across from a sunglasses/hoodie clad Gord Downie. Don't fuck with the 401!

Songs We Sing

. Tuesday, May 23, 2006

Check out Matt Costa's "Songs We Sing".

When are we getting together ??? What do you guys have on Saturday June 3rd?

NEWZ from London...

. Sunday, May 21, 2006

Gents - News from London. Gave my 2-weeks at Protek on Friday. Im off to Anixter...yes the same Anixter that spurned me but a month ago. That was screamin' up on 3 years in the same job for me. Toooo long. Looking forward to the new challenges that lie ahead.
Lets talk soon.

(Heard of "Wolfmother" ? Not bad. New-ish Black Sabbath meets Zeppelin...)

Lotion & Tissue

. Thursday, May 18, 2006

Two things you DON'T want to find under your male colleague's desk...

What Celebrities Do You Look Like?

. Wednesday, May 17, 2006

I uploaded my ugly mug to myheritage.com, and apparently, my closest matches are (in order):

  • John F. Kennedy

  • Viktor Yushchenko - didn't this guy go all pock-marked due to KGB poisoning?

  • Russell Crowe

  • Julio Iglesias - I am most proud of this one

  • James Garner - my namesake (Brett Maverick)

  • Joe Pesci

  • Pierce Brosnan

  • Go figure.

    A Swarm of Angels

    . Tuesday, May 16, 2006

    I came across this project last week and found it very interesting, I even signed up. There are already several amazing people involved including Cory Doctorow (BoingBoing) and Tommy Pallotta (Waking Life, A Scanner Very Darkly). Check out the info and link below.

    Want to Remix Cinema?

    You can help invent the future of film by joining the Swarm in creating a £1 million pound film and giving it away to over one million people in one year.

    By using the Internet as a medium to fund, help make and distribute this film A Swarm of Angels wants to remix cinema.

    A Swarm of Angels is a new way to create cult media. The project is a giant new media experiment to gather 50,000 people paying £25 each to create a new type of movie.

    This feature film and associated original media embraces the flexible digital-age copyright of Creative Commons, because we want people to freely download, share, and remix the original media made for this project.

    A Swarm of Angles

    This guy ROX0R$!

    . Monday, May 15, 2006

    At first, I thought someone caught Colin on tape, dancing up a storm in Vegas...

    Viva Las Vegas !!!

    . Wednesday, May 10, 2006

    I'm off to Vegas this Saturday for the Perritt-McCall Wedding. Going to be RIDICULOUS ! Can't wait. I'll be back NEXT Wednesday, and we will HAVE TO CHAT, big news from London pending !

    (Edit - No. I have no affiliation with The FRIEDMAN Archives)

    In Your Face


    Slip, since you have your creative hat on, I thought you would be interested in the "In Your Face" project at the AGO. It is an open call to send a 4 x 6 portrait to the gallery (by June 1) and they will add it to the collection. On July 1 they exhibit will open and it is anticipated that it will be the world's largest collection of portraiture art ever assembled.

    For more info go to the AGO website

    Gabacha Palabrotas

    . Tuesday, May 09, 2006

    I was invited by a Mexican font collective (called Tiypo) to take their most recent dingbat font which came together as a collaboration of several Mexican graphic designers. Each desginer created a graphic that reminded them of Mexico. Animators were then asked to take the font and create an animation that was tied to the theme of 'Mexico'. I decided to search the internet for slang that was exclusive to the Spanish spoke in Mexico. I used bits and pieces of the dingbats to create characters, threw together a pumping music track, animated my characters dancing to the beat and delivering the slang which was clumisly strung together by yours truly, a non-Spanish speaking animator from Canada! The title of the animation is "Gabacha Palabrotas" which is clumsy Mexican slang meaning "Foreigner's Big Words"

    You can check it out here:
    Gabacha Palabrotas - Quicktime

    Slippy Photos

    . Friday, May 05, 2006

    Yo. Decided that with all the internet trollers and strange individuals online, we would take down our family photo blogs (e.g. the one of Will), and instead put it up in a photo gallery that had a little more security.

    Youze guyz are more than welcome to join and see photos. You can even add your own if you feel so inclined (no nudies, dubby, please, although pics with REALLY long sausages are acceptable), as I have some excess server space right now.

    Here's the link! http://www.toggle.ca/gallery/

    Check you later!

    Hobos (Part 2)

    . Thursday, May 04, 2006

    Following in Dubby Hornblower's footsteps, I added a hobo of my own tonight... #640 - Wormy Gleen and Nootka the Flatworm.

    Although always a big hit at boxcar parties, Wormy Gleen and Nootka's shapeshifting abilities often scared the hobo children.

    Sketches, Snapshots and Scribbles form Mexico


    I've posted some of my sketches and photos from my trip to Mexico. Take a peak...

    Sketches, Snapshots and Scribbles fro Mexico

    Picture in a Frame

    . Wednesday, May 03, 2006

    No Burritos? NOO!!!!


    You've probably heard about the immigration debate going on currently in the US. I thought this guy summed it all up with his sign.

    El Mariachi

    . Tuesday, May 02, 2006

    El Mariachi! Snapped this photo of some tough looking Mariachi ready to play some fuckin' Mariachi tunes! This was at Agua Azul waterfalls, just down the road from the Miso Hal waterfalls (where they shot Predator).



    Was on a boat cruise last night, so I thought I would share a photo. Took it with my Treo - I am actually pretty impressed with the quality I am getting out of it, with minimal manipulation in the 'pooter. Too bad it is only 640x480 max...


    . Monday, May 01, 2006

    Remember when I did the illustration of the hobo a while back, well there was some junk about Flickr not allowing illustrations, only photos, so some guys set up a group for the hobo images, now there is a website. My hobo is #400
