My Xbox goes down!

. Wednesday, March 29, 2006
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It's not quite known right now what the damage is, but apparently, a youngster living in my house (who will go unnamed until proven guilty), inserted a wary twist-tie into the Xbox this morning, rendering the disk device inoperable. I am anticipating some surgery this evening to attempt to resurrect said device, but my hopes aren't high. It does, however, still play the games on the hard drive.

This might be the push that sends me over to Xbox 360... The Xbox is dead! Long live the Xbox! Microsoft, why couldn't you make a gaming console that would withstand the curiosity of a 2-year old???


slippy said...

I fixed it! I got my little nubbin fingers in there, and successfully extracted a twist-tie from the CD mechanism. Crazy stuff.

What's the word on your news???