Some stuff to post

. Saturday, October 04, 2003
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As you might or might not know, I have been working straight for the last three weeks! This is my first day off in a month, but I am not complaining or looking for sympathy. I just need to sit down with Puff the Magic Dragon and have a long conversation about the cosmos, contemporary latin cinema and my ganglion growth on my foot and I will be just fine...just fine!

But for some food for thought, I have listed some of my recent attention diversions below. Do what you wish, but careful what you wish for because that balloon carrying a bucketful of gnomes might fall from the sky and be zipping right for your front porch just when you thought you heard a burglar trying to get in the front door and you go out to check. And fuck, bang, buck you get slammed in the head with a shit load of little, magical, pointy hat wearing fucks and there you are screaming at the very thing you wished for!

Funny cartoons, very funny cartoons!

Amazing comic book
"The Invisibles" by Grant Morrison

A website to make you think

Something to look at

And here's a little blurb about some stuff I have been working on...
An article on Design in Motion

Cheers lads, cheers.