Rented SSX 3...

. Monday, October 27, 2003

Whoa. Kewl shiznit. The overall gameplay is not much different than Tricky, but the new courses are frickin' cool. As well, instead of having individual courses as in Tricky, SSX 3 is one HUGE mountain with 3 peaks. I did the race from the top of peak 3 to the bottom of the mountain, and it took over half an hour of continuous racing... Will beat me, of course.

Plus, each peak has its own half pipe and big air competition, which is wild. In some launches, I was able to pull off 5 uber-tricks in one jump! Graphics rock, soundtrack is wild, and is completely worth the purchase...

Help! Help!

. Monday, October 20, 2003

Damn, I am bored. Wood - tried you on the weekend. What's the update in your life?

SSX 3 due out this month...

. Friday, October 17, 2003

Thought I would pass along that the next installment of SSX is coming out October 20! w00t!

The New Look of the Clams!

. Wednesday, October 15, 2003

Colin asked me to design a revised logo for the clams and here it is! It makes me want to design a whole Jersey (perhaps for a Clam reunion?)


This is kinda funny...

. Monday, October 13, 2003

But not necessarily work-safe (although it is just text)...



. Tuesday, October 07, 2003

I think we all knew it was coming, but Monday morning Digital Internet Group and I have decided to head our seperate directions. It came down to me being extremely uncomfortable in the environment and with many of the demands placed on me. I will continue to "work" here until the end of next week, to try and finish some things here and to try and find something to pay me as quickly as possible.
On a more encouraging note, I had an excellent second interview this morning at a HUGE company called Anixter. Have a look at for more details. I am talking to them about an inside sales position here in London, and am really attracted to the nature of big business. I think I have put in my time at small companies, and could really benefit from the practices and disciplines of a big company.

Thats it thats all. In the short term, please discontinue emailing me at DIG and use my hotmail address -

C. out.

Pics from Amsterdam

. Saturday, October 04, 2003

I posted some pics from our trip to Amsterdam. I wish I could tell you that there are lots of photos from deep within the Red Light District or from the strangest of coffeeshops, but there aren't. If you are still interested then go to:

Epson Photo Centre
and type in this email address:

Later skaters!

Some stuff to post


As you might or might not know, I have been working straight for the last three weeks! This is my first day off in a month, but I am not complaining or looking for sympathy. I just need to sit down with Puff the Magic Dragon and have a long conversation about the cosmos, contemporary latin cinema and my ganglion growth on my foot and I will be just fine...just fine!

But for some food for thought, I have listed some of my recent attention diversions below. Do what you wish, but careful what you wish for because that balloon carrying a bucketful of gnomes might fall from the sky and be zipping right for your front porch just when you thought you heard a burglar trying to get in the front door and you go out to check. And fuck, bang, buck you get slammed in the head with a shit load of little, magical, pointy hat wearing fucks and there you are screaming at the very thing you wished for!

Funny cartoons, very funny cartoons!

Amazing comic book
"The Invisibles" by Grant Morrison

A website to make you think

Something to look at

And here's a little blurb about some stuff I have been working on...
An article on Design in Motion

Cheers lads, cheers.