Forgot to tell you...

. Saturday, September 27, 2003

We got to choose our music during Kirsten's labouring and delivery. Bob got played, some Cold Play, Dido...

But he was born to Beck! Had Sea Changes on. I had to make sure he started his life listening to cool music.

It's a boy!

. Thursday, September 25, 2003

More pics to come, but here is a sneak peak of William Harrison Huttman, born at 1:10am on September 24th, 6 lbs., 8 oz.


. Wednesday, September 24, 2003

Looking at the calendar today, I was prompted to remember one-year ago from this weekend coming up, one of the most debauched weekends in my life as the 3 of us made a trek to Montreal for a weekend. 12+ Hours of Driving !
In support of Antonio Whalen's Stag, I do remember the weekend being awesome.
Amongst the highlights:
Hugs and kisses from Nihmey on Friday night
Dennys breakfast on Saturday morning
Finding Alisha on the cover of Maxim
A spirited drive by Slippy to Montreal on Saturday afternoon
Shopping (girl watching) on St. Catherine (said with a French accent)
Hotel Craziness - Waiting, wondering, drinking and finding some allsuite hotel was awesome for the 5 hours we needed
Great Dinner
Drunken wandering through downtown Montreal
Bar Games
Strip Joints
Lazy-est ever drive home on Sunday.

It was awesome.

Kelly Slaters Pro Surfer

. Tuesday, September 23, 2003

Rented this PS2 Game on the weekend. It has been out for about a year, and I never rented it because it always got bad reviews. Its in exactly the same vain (and dynamics) as Tony Hawk.
SHOULD HAVE RENTED/BOUGHT it sooner. Its awesome.
Included on the soundtrack of the game are Middle Man by Jack...and Faded by one Mr. Ben Harper !!! One of the surfboards you can use has a "Bullseye" and Hurley symbol on one side, and a painting of Ben playing a guitar on the other side. Sweet.
Needless to say, I'll be picking this game up off of Ebay.

Nice call on the Soft Canyon Warren. I like what I am hearing.
Currently listening to - Dave Matthews new solo effort, along with a bunch of "relaxed" Hip Hop ? Blackalicious...Ozomotli, some old school stuff like Arrested Development and some more modern Dub....Thunderball and Beat Down Sound.

Wondering whats goin on with B...

Soft Canyon


I promised I would always pass on good music when I heard here is a tip on the old school psychedelic '70's rock trip. Try out the band Soft Canyon. Here is the link to their website which has a few MP3s. I am totally going to see them next time they play in the city.

Soft Canyon Website

All for now cats.

Baby Update



Hopefully soon. "We" are into pre-labour - contractions 5-8 mins apart, 1 minute in length. Will try to keep you posted.

Conference We Should All Attend

. Friday, September 19, 2003

Please do read this in its entirety. Based on some of the emails we exchange, this might be able to help...

The 3rd Annual Nigerian EMail Conference

Have a good weekend boyz.

Moontower e-mail...

. Thursday, September 18, 2003

Otay... here's the scoop. I set up these e-mail addresses, and they are forwarded to your accounts that you used to register at blogger...

Lemme know if you want me to change anything. They might work right away or may take a day to register. Check you later!

Moontower it is!


Sounds like we are all on the Moontower bandwagon. To celebrate our selection, I (virtually) travelled to the beautiful island of Tokelau about 100 miles off the coast of Western Samoa, and registered our very own domain name. "How much?" you ask? Free, baby. Free.

So, our domain name is Update your browsers. And if that wasn't enough, we also get e-mail forwarding! So let me know what you want your e-mail address to be (e.g. and where you want it forwarded, and I will set it up!

Cheers, big ears!

Moontower all the way!

. Tuesday, September 16, 2003

Here is my final words on The Moontower versus Number 3 debate. I think we should end Number 3's short but glorious career. But we shouldn't pull the plug. Let's just let the machines do the breathing for now. The plan could be not to put a permanent link to Number 3 on The Moontower, but rather link to it in a post when material is more appropriately posted there rather than on The Moontower. Dig?

As for the midwifey's prediction...B-Hutt could be B-Daddeo by tomorrow...well, I'll be ready to raise a mug of the sweet ale and chug one for health, chug one happiness and chug one for good looks, then let me know if Kirsten had the baby!

Colly, I think I have to backdoor the Norm and Cliff golf tourney later this month. I double booked with Ted Sheppard's housewarming. I'll call you this weekend.


Slippin' into something more comfortable...


Well, Shhhheeeeeiit!

Wassup, boyz? I guess I will step down an' put in some fresh post. Not much goin' on as o' late. Have been tryin' t' work from my crib, but had t' go in today. Gots our midwife appointment tomorrow, an' midwife thinks da baby will come tomorrow prime time. As 4 da moontowa' vs. number3 shit, I will stick t' da moontowa' but will check number3 week-like plum in case. Will add some link 4 Wooderson.

I liked this story.
A place I would like to visit.
Another interesting museum.
Click here for a funny (non-work safe) image...

Baby on the way!

. Thursday, September 11, 2003

Sounds like the bambino has almost baked enough and is read to come out of the oven! Keep us posted!

As for the recent past...Great weekend fellas! Had a blast. And can't wait to do it all over again. You both owe me a bottle Crown (Special Edition!) and a 2 litre of 7 UP!

Is the Moontower going to be our regular hangout or Number 3? I think we need to decide, so that I don't have to check 2 blogs all the time. Cast your votes!

Has anyone watched Joe Schmo The Reality Show? This dude thinks he is in a Big Brother type show with all actor and directors and they script the thing so he is crying like a baby one minute and telling everyone that this is the best day of his life the next...fuck, it is so cruel, but really good to watch.

Over and out.

Baby Update

. Wednesday, September 10, 2003

Well, here is the latest skinny. Wife is 2cm dilated, 50% effaced as of Monday. Midwife says that we will be having a baby no later than next Wednesday, when we see her again. Apparently, she is the master of the stretch and sweep technique, and assured us that if she does her magic next Wednesday morning, we will be in labour by the afternoon. Woah.

David Fincher to work on Lords of Dogtown

. Tuesday, September 09, 2003

This could be a pretty cool movie. An actual movie, not documentary on Dogtown and the Z-Boys. Looks like David Fincher will be working with Roger Avery (Pulp Fiction/Rules of Attraction). Good combination to work on the script written by Stacey Peralta.
Rumour also has it they will be using unknown actors, although apparently Jason Lee is reading the script...
Could be cool.

Read the review here.

Interesting Blog...

. Monday, September 08, 2003

This is a blog by a guy who use to run with a gang in Seattle. He's telling stories...

Weekend Bonanza

. Sunday, September 07, 2003

Well, the weekend is over. A good time was had by all...

I know who you are...

. Friday, September 05, 2003

Game On!


Boyz. Saturday is a go. Collywog has decided to meet at my pad 'round 12-12:30pm, then the trek up to Camilse for 9 holes of pure, unadulterated golf. Dubs - you can do the same or meet us at the links. Upon completion of said round, we can return to my house for a quick clean-up, and then make the journey to the centre of sin: the T-Dot.

Whadaya think of them apples?

Dub-blog is here!

. Thursday, September 04, 2003

The Moon Tower...

This place used to be off limits man 'cause some drunk freshman fell right down the middle smacking his head on every beam man. Autopsy said he only had one many did you have?

You're dead man. You're so dead.

B, glad you started this blog thing. It could be really cool. Just got in from Amsterdam. I have loads of stories to tell. And websites to share, but I have to ask the blog master how much I can sweare when I type.

Check you later! Check you later!

Cool Links of the Day


Check out these links:

ASCII Movies - Movies seen through ascii text
Play Money - A guy trying to make a living by selling imaginery gaming goods for Ultima Online in the REAL world
Some Burning Man 2003 Festival pics...
T-shirts that suck - a classic
This is really REALLY weird... kinda loud, too (not work safe)

Check you later!

Rolly Joins the Ranks of Fatherhood


Thats right...Craig Neilans, recently married, proudly called me today to inform me that at 10:40 this morning (September 4th) he and Jen welcomed Olivia Neilans into the world. Weighing in at 8Lbs 11Oz, Olivia and mom are doing great and Craig is beyond thrilled to be a DAD. While Ethan was hoping to have a winger on the first line of the future Clams, he also likes the idea of having his first "girl-friend"...a friend who is a girl, thats it !
Brett, you're up next.
Tick Tock Tick Tock.

Dare to Compare!!!


I am sure I will give a more complete review on the weekend but while its fresh in my head, I thought I would give my 2 cents on Dave Matthews Band.
Ben Harper he is NOT. Having said that, the concert was AMAZING.
Best way I can describe it, is that the highs of the DMB show were equally (if not slightly higher) as that of a Ben show, BUT their were way too many gaps between the highs...and the lows, created mostly by 1-2 minute breaks between songs, actually prompting me to sit down a few times.
The opening song couldnt even touch Glory and Consequence, but his energy levels picked up through the night, with a few lulls, and his closer was on par with Faded>Whole Lotta Love>Faded as they busted out a 15 minute version of All Along the Watchtower. Awesome.
Dont get me wrong though, I would strongly suggest seeing Dave if you get a chance.

For a "real" review that I would agree wholeheartedly with see the Canoe Review.

. Wednesday, September 03, 2003

I updated the format/template a bit. Hope you like...


Wow, Wooderson has quickly taken to the 'blogging thing! And, damn, that kid is cute. Good to see he is wearing his Canadian toque, eh!

So it looks like I have joined a health club. It is called, Cedar Springs, in the heart of good ol' Burlington. Got indoor tennis, so if Wooderson can keep his cussin' to a minimum, maybe we can get his ass out for a game one day.

Dubby's got a lot to catch up on. I voluntarily agree to not indulge in any alcohol, drugs, or engage in any other activity that may in any way jeopardize the years of hard work that we as a team have committed to a championship season in '76!

New Pics of Ethan


Uploaded a bunch of new summer pics of the boy last night. Have a look...

Ethans WebSite

Carlos Santana Sits at Last Night's Concert in Berkeley, CA

. Tuesday, September 02, 2003

----- Saturday, August 16, 2003 -----
Carlos Santana made a surprise guest appearance last night to play guitar on "With My Own Two Hands/War" and "Voodoo Child (Slight Return)". Check out the photos, setlist and reviews in On The Road!

Ben Harper Channel Launches Video, Live Tracks and More!


Unreleased live Ben bonanza! See the new Ben video for Diamonds On The Inside in full-screen, television quality!

I havent bugged you guys with this yet, but you should check it out. If you email people about it, you are able to see more content. I am waiting for someone to downoad the entire collection and make it more easily downloadable...

The Ben Harper Channel


Yo yo Yo. Golf on! Tee off time is booked for 3 homeyz at 1:20pm on the 6th of September. The course? The beautiful 9 hole at Camisle, boasting gently rolling land, mature landscaped fairways, gardens and large greens. Washrooms are available.


Glad to be here...The older you get the more rules they are going to try and get you to follow.
You just gotta keep on livin man! L-I-V-I-N!


Welcome to the Moon Tower! Well, all I'm saying is that I want to look back and say that I did it the best I could while I was stuck in this place. Had as much fun as I could while I was stuck in this place. Played as hard as I could while I was stuck in this place. Dogged as many girls as I could while I was stuck in this place...