Burned out!

. Monday, February 22, 2010

Just finished burning my entire CD collection! Then I sold most of the discs at Sonic Boom except for notable discographies such as The Hip, Ben, Jack, etc. and some nostalgic items such as a limited edition copy of Lowest of the Low's Hallucagenia.

Good bye Smashing Pumkins! Good bye Big Sugar! Good bye some industrial band that I thought might be the next NIN!

Most of the CDs were worth a quarter as a trade in, but I was quite surprised when a few of the discs were worth $5 each but the real surprise was a Tool CD/DVD box set that fetched a cool $40!

Now I am all digital and never looking back!


. Thursday, February 11, 2010

Caught Daybreakers last weekend. Really enjoyed it - great concept, good action and some scary vampires/bat/creature things!

The Superbowl was FABulous!

. Monday, February 08, 2010

Had to do it. Pic was too funny. Thanks, MSNBC!